Redeeming your voucher
How to redeem your foraging course voucher
In person courses and events
This guide details how to redeem vouchers from The Foraging Course Company
1. Visit our courses page to select your type of event, then click on either of the options
2. Click on the venue or event (image, venue title or find out more and book now!)
3. Click "book here" or "book now" on the date you wish to book
4. You will then be taken off our website to a ticketing website, click "book now/book place/book my place". If you are using a mobile device you may have to scroll down a little to see this
5. Select the number of places you wish to book from the drop down. Click next
6. Underneath the greyed out "Your order" box, you will see the words "Use promo, credit or voucher code" click on this text
7. A box will appear. Add your code into the box and click apply making sure the subtotal for your tickets reduces. If you have more than one code, once the previous code has been accepted, clear the text in the promo code box and add the next code, click apply making sure the subtotal reduces with each new code.
8. Complete the booking by filling in your details.
9. Unless you are booking an event that is greater in value than your voucher covers, you will not be asked for payment if you have entered your code correctly.
Please note, if you enter your code and click apply, and for whatever reason do not complete the booking you will need to wait for 20 minutes until the code can be retried.
Online courses and events
1. Contact us at info@foragingcoursecompany.co.uk in order to activate your voucher for our online course platform. Please include your voucher code and the course/s you wish to redeem it against in your email.
1. Once you have received confirmation that it has been activated. Visit our online courses platform and select the course, community or bundle you have chosen.
2. Create an account
3. Click the link, "Do you have a voucher or coupon code?"
4. Enter your code
5. Click apply
To visit our voucher page click here. For information on vouchers that have expired or are soon to expire click here