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Rooting Bolete - Caloboletus radicans

Rooting Bolete - Caloboletus radicans

Main features

  • Fruits Summer to Autumn

  • Found as individual specimens or in small groups

  • Grows in association with beech, oak, lime, hornbeam and sometimes rock rose

  • Smells unpleasant and slightly astringent

  • Cap surface pale grey-buffbrown

  • Cap has a misshapen edge

  • Cap often cracks from the centre as it ages

  • Size of cap is 5 - 20cm

  • Cylindrical or swollen stem covered in reticulation

  • Stem up to 5cm wide and 14cm tall

  • Has no stem ring/skirt 

  • Sometime base of stem is reddened 

  • Base of stem often tapers and has root-like mycelial strands

  • Flesh is plae yellow, almost white, and bruise blue quickly when damaged

  • Pore surface is yellow and bruises blue quickly

  • Spore print is olive brown

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Rooting Bolete - Caloboletus radicans

Poisonous mushroom - novice/intermediate identification

Other common names: Whitish Bolete

Scientific name meaning: Boletus originates from the Greek Bolites, referring to a superior mushroom, while Calo means pretty. Radicans is a Latin word meaning striking root, in reference to the root-like mycelial threads this mushroom often has

Season - when will I find it? From Summer to Autumn

Habitat - where will I find it? Underneath Oak, Beech, Hornbeam, Lime and sometimes Rock Rose

Description - what does it look like? 

Growth: The Rooting Bolete is mycorrhizal, growing in association with several trees Beech, Oak, Hornbeam, Lime and sometime Rock Rose. It can be found in small groups and individually

Cap: A pale grey-buff colour, the cap reaches between 5 and 20cm. It has a misshapen edge and often cracks from the centre as it ages

Pores: The pore surface and tubes are pale yellow bruising blue quickly when damaged

Flesh: very pale yellow, almost white, turning blue quickly when damaged

Stem: The yellow stem can be straight or swollen and between 7 and 14cm tall, and 3 and 5cm wide. There is a fine reticulum (net-like pattern) over the stem surface and sometimes the base is slightly red in colour at the base. Often tapers at base and with root-like mycelial strands. It has no ring, or skirt

Smell: Unpleasant, slightly astringent

Spore colour: Olive brown

Possible lookalikes Could be confused with the edible Lurid Bolete (Suillelus luridus), but this has orange flesh at the base of the stem; the potentially deadly poisonous Satan's Bolete (Suillelus satanus), but this has a white cap and red or orange pores, or the inedible Bitter Beech Bolete (Caloboletus calopus), but this has a red stem base

Poisonous parts All parts of this mushroom are poisonous and cause severe gastric upset

Use in herbal medicine Has shown some effectiveness against MRSA in lab conditions

If you are suffering from any ailment or need medical advice, please see your General Practitioner

Hazards This is a poisonous mushroom and should not be consumed

Importance to other species Slugs and snails often eat these mushrooms

Always stay safe when foraging. You need to be 100% sure of your identification, 100% sure that your foraged item is edible, and 100% sure that you are not allergic to it (it is good practice to always try a small amount of any new food you are consuming). If in doubt, leave it out!

Rooting Bolete - Caloboletus radicans - bruising blue
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