Blue Foot Bolete - Xerocomellus cisalpinus
Main features
Fruits Summer to Autumn
Usually found in small groups
Grows in association with trees, particularly oak, beech, spruce, cedar and pine
Very mild smell
Cap surface starts of velvet and deep brown
As cap ages, the skin cracks to reveal the red flushed yellow flesh beneath
Cap is a flat dome-shape and 5 - 10cm wide
Stem can be slightly wide at cap end
The stem is yellow, turning red towards the base
Stem height is 4 - 8cm and width 1 - 1.5cm
Has no stem ring/skirt
Red flesh found in centre of stem base
Flesh turn slowly blue-green if damaged, especially in base of stem
Spore print is olive brown
Blue Foot Bolete - Xerocomellus cisalpinus
Edible mushroom - advanced
Other common names: None known
Scientific name meaning: Xero is from the Greek Xer, meaning dry. Ellus Is Latin for a deminutive. In this case, like a small Xerocomus. Cisalpinus is from the Latin words Cis and Alpinus, meaning "on this side" and Alpine
Season - when will I find it? From Summer to Autumn
Habitat - where will I find it? Underneath deciduous and coniferous trees, particularly Oak, Beech, Pine, Cedar and Spruce
Description - what does it look like?
Growth: The Blue Foot Bolete is mycorrhizal, growing in association with several trees including Oak, Beech, Spruce, Pine and Cedar. It is often found in small groups
Cap: Between 5 and 10cm wide, the cap has a shallow dome shape to it. It starts off brown with a velvety texture, but the surface skin cracks as the cap expands. The yellow flesh flushed red can be seen through the cracks
Pores: The pore surface and tubes start off lemon yellow turning slowly more green-yellow with age. When damaged, the pore surface very slowly bruises blue
Flesh: Yellow, bruising blue-green very slowly, particularly in the base of the stem
Stem: Around 4 - 8cm tall and 1 - 1.5cm wide, the stem is yellow at the top, turning red towards the base. If the stem is cut from top to bottom, a red stained area is often visible near the base.
It is sometime slightly wider at the cap end than at the base. It has no ring, or skirt
Smell: Mild
Spore colour: Olive brown
Possible lookalikes As this has red on it, it does not pass the novice test (red and blue) for boletes. It could be easily confused with the Red Cracking Bolete (Xerocomellus chrysenteron), but this does not bruise blue-green so intensely in the stem base when damaged). The Red Cracking Bolete is also edible
Use as a food Must be cooked but has a poor flavour and texture. Used mostly to bulk out a mushroom mix
Use in herbal medicine None known
If you are suffering from any ailment or need medical advice, please see your General Practitioner
Hazards None known
Importance to other species Slugs and snails often eat these mushrooms
Always stay safe when foraging. You need to be 100% sure of your identification, 100% sure that your foraged item is edible, and 100% sure that you are not allergic to it (it is good practice to always try a small amount of any new food you are consuming). If in doubt, leave it out!