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Contact The Foraging Course Company

FAQs and contacting The Foraging Course Company

What does a course entail?

Information on each course and what it entails can be found on each course's specific page. They can be found by clicking the links through to them on this page.


When is the best time to come on a course?

That entirely depends on what you are more interested in. Our foraging courses focus on whatever is found on the day.

Spring and summer courses are predominantly plant-based, while fungi are more likely to be found in autumn. Coastal courses focus on coastal species.

All course in all seasons have interesting species to discover and learn about.

We cannot guarantee what species will be found on any given day as this depends heavily on the preceding weather conditions.

How do I redeem a voucher?

Information on redeeming a voucher can be found here.

My voucher isn't being accepted

Please ensure you have followed all the steps here. There is a different procedure for online courses that can be found on this page, too.


My voucher is about to expire or has expired, what can I do?

Information on vouchers that are about to expire can be found here.

When are more course dates added?

Dates are added throughout the year. We publish them as soon as they are confirmed by venues, so if they are not on the website we don't have any more confirmed dates for that venue at that point. The best way to be alerted to date releases is to follow our Facebook page.

Do you offer private courses?

We do offer private courses but dates are very quickly booked. To enquire, please complete the form on this page.

Please note, you will need permission from the landowner for a private course to take place. 

Identification help requests

We get hundreds of requests for help with identification of plants and mushrooms each week. Unfortunately, we cannot reply to them all and only those from our customers will be responded to - please confirm the course you attended in the subject line if you are requesting identification help and allow plenty of time for a response. 


If you need information on anything other than that listed above, you can contact us via email. 

Our telephone number is 02477 360222 however, due to the nature of our work the office is frequently unmanned and we recommend emailing or messaging us on WhatsApp if you are unable to find your answers above or on your booking confirmation email.

Wild food salad
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