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Foraging guides and recipes

Hot and sour cauliflower fungus soup
A warming and delicious dish

Sloe, apple and rosemary jelly (for cheese)
Works perfectly with cheese

Hen of the woods gratin
A comforting and moreish dish

Wild mushroom and sweet chestnut pâté
A rich and smooth vegan starter

Uszka (porcini pierogi) with borscht
A traditional Polish dish

Chinese-style shredded Giant Polypore pancakes with plum sauce
A foraging twist on an oriental favourite

Blackberry and sloe gin sorbet
This sorbet is so simple to make yet so tasty

Smoky blackberry ketchup
A show stopping sauce that works well with barbecued meats

Rosehip Jam
A wonderful tasting jam made from luscious hips

Rosebay Willowherb Jelly
A fruity, floral jelly with a divine pink colour

Himalayan Hooch
A delightfully fizzy alcoholic drink created from an invasive plant

Southern Fried Giant Puffball
The perfect way to cook puffballs

Nettle seed and dandelion honey Lammas bread
A fresh, sweet bread

Damson Ketchup
Often used to make sweet preserves and puddings, Damsons also make a fine ketchup. It works particularly well with chips!

Elderberry Jelly
With a deep berry flavour, Elderberry Jelly is an excellent way to preserve the fruit of the Elder. Easy to make from a usually abundant ha

Elderberry Capers
If you are anything like me, waiting for fruit to ripen can seem like an age. However, elderberries offer the opportunity to create tasty ca

Elderflower Champagne
A wonderfully refreshing and slightly alcoholic fizzy drink made with the flowers of Elder. Definitely something for all foragers to try

Elderflower Jelly
This delightful and delicate jelly allows the wonderful flavour of Elderflowers throughout the year. It is delicious on hot toast or with...

Foraged Fruit Vinegar
When it comes to preserving foraged soft fruits and berries, most people think of jams, jellies and syrups. However, fruit vinegars are a...

Foraged Syrups
What an amazing week I had running foraging workshops and cookery demonstrations. Foraged syrups were extremely popular - I share my...

Hawthorn Ketchup
One of the nicest ways to use Hawthorn is to create a delicious savoury ketchup

Nettle cordial
Many people think of common or sting nettles as a savoury green, but they make the most wonderful and refreshing cordial

Rowan Jelly
The bitterness of Rowan's berries comes through in this jelly along with a wonderful flavour development of sweet through sour, bitter and f

Wild Garlic Pesto
A simple pesto that can be used on crackers or as a sauce base
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