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Foraging guides and recipes
Amethyst deceiver - Laccaria amethystina
A strikingly coloured autumn mushroom
Lilac fibrecap - Incocybe lilacina
A common deadly poisonous mushroom
Peppery bolete - Chalciporus piperatus
An edible but spicy bolete
Mottled bolete - Leccinum variicolor
An uncommon Leccinum species with some blue staining
Orange oak bolete - Leccinum aurantiacum
Despite its common name, this Leccinum associates with various trees
Orange birch bolete - Leccinum versipelle
The orange birch bolete is one of the tastier Leccinums
Summer bolete - Boletus reticulatus
A large summer mushroom that is a tasty edible
Panther cap - Amanita pantherina
One of the poisonous members of the Amanita genus
Chanterelle - Cantharellus cibarius
A well-known and highly sought after edible mushroom
Fried Chicken Mushroom - Lyophyllum decastes
Growing in clumps in disturbed ground
Horn of Plenty - Craterellus cornucopioides
A hard to spot good edible
Terracotta Hedgehog - Hydnum rufescens
A smaller species of hedgehog fungus
Hedgehog fungus - Hydnum repandum
A woodland mushroom with spines instead of gills
Hen of the Woods - Grifola frondosa
An edible parasite of oak
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