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Foraging guides and recipes
Himalayan balsam - Impatiens glandulifera
An invasive edible that has restrictions on harvesting
Hemlock water dropwort - Oenanthe crocata
Deadly poisonous plant that likes to grow in damp areas
Hemlock - Conium maculatum
A deadly poisonous member of the carrot family
Hedge garlic - Alliaria petiolata
A prolific garlic-scented member of the mustard family
Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna
This hedgerow staple is edible and a prized medicinal
Hairy bittercress - Cardamine hirsuta
A successful wildflower that tastes strongly of cress
Ground elder - Aegopodium podograria
Hated by gardeners but a wonderful parsley alternative
Gorse - Ulex europaeus
A very spiny shrub that flowers all year round
Gooseberry - Ribes uva-crispa
Wild growing ancestor of cultivated varieties
Fool's watercress - Apium nodiflorum
A water-loving plant with a carrot-like aroma
Flowering currant - Ribes sanguineum
A garden ornamental with edible uses
English yew - Taxus baccata
A long-lived poisonous tree
English oak - Quercus robur
A tree that supports thousands of species
Elder - Sambucus nigra
One of the most useful trees for a forager
Dewberry - Rubus caesius
Closely resembling a blackberry and full of flavour
Dandelion - Taraxacum "officinale"
A common plant of grassland with many edible uses
Damson - Prunus domestica spp. insititia
A hedgerow tree that produces good amounts of fruit
Crow garlic - Allium vineale
A wild onion that looks similar to chives
Cornsalad - Valerianella locusta
This edible plant is considered a gourmet salad leaf
Common sorrel - Rumex acetosa
A plant with a sharp, acidic taste that can liven up a salad
Common nettle - Urtica dioica
This stinging plant is highly nutritious and abundant
Winter warriors: how edible plants thrive in the cold
Ways plants are able to withstand the cold
Common lime - Tilia x Europaea
A pleasantly scented and common edible tree
Common hogweed - Heracleum sphondylium
A tasty wild green that should be treated with caution
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